Coronavirus infection: Ayurvedic remedies to keep your immunity in action

 The ultimate Ayurvedic remedy, Triphala, is actually a mixture of three vital herbs: amla or Indian gooseberry, bhibhitaki or beleric (Terminalia bellirica) and haritaki or black myrobalan.

One can consume Triphala with hot water as it is said it helps in bowel movement. It can also be consumed as tea. The best way to have Triphala is at night, before going to bed.


Another effective Ayurvedic remedy to beat cold and sore throat is a mixture of black pepper, long pepper and ginger powder.

As per experts, this mixture is anti-inflammatory in nature and boosts the immunity.

To ease the sharp taste of black pepper one can mix honey in this mixture. Experts suggest licking this mixture throughout the day.


When COVID was new to all of us, the Ministry of Health had advised people to try Ayurvedic remedies. One of such remedies was milk and turmeric.

Commonly known as Haldi Doodh, this concoction of milk and turmeric is widely used in our homes when someone catches cold.

To get the benefits of this, one should consume half teaspoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk once or twice a day.


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